n order to better understand the dynamic behavior of CFRP and to improve numerical modeling tools for these materials, it is essential to better understand the effects of strain rate on damage initiation and growth. Unlike low loading rate mechanical tests, the experimental setup for intermediate strain rate tests is classically based on servo-hydraulic actuators. The higher the loading rate of such test equipment, the more complicated, if not impossible, it becomes to interrupt the loading without resorting to complex experimental setups. Consequently, the observation and monitoring of damage in CFRP during these tests is difficult to achieve with the usual techniques: optical microscopy, X-ray, CT-scan. To overcome this problem, it is possible to use high-speed infrared thermography, for example, to monitor the appearance of transverse cracks in cross-ply laminates at different loading rates [1, 2] or even the growth of delamination during impact tests. Join Stéphane Boubanga and Dr. Julien Berthe, our experts for a high-level discussion in this next webinar.
Join Dr. Julien Berthe from ONERA and Stephane Boubanga Field Applications Scientist at Telops for this virtual event.
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